
Introduction. The structure of the concept of "economic activity", in addition to the specific content related to empirical reality, includes philosophical content related to the scientific picture of the world. Hence the problem arises: in the process of the historical development of economic science, the semantic inertia of past ideas about the world and man, manifested in language constructions, remains in the concept of "economic activity". These changes should be taken into account in the educational process, since the concept of "economic activity" is one of the didactic units. Materials and methods. The research material is reference and educational literature, as well as economic classics (works of Aristotle, etc.). The article uses methods of philosophical analysis, primarily systematic and comparative. The systematic method allows us to identify the determinants of the philosophical content of the concept of "economic activity" associated with the scientific picture of the world. The comparative method allows us to assess the change in the philosophical content of the concept in the course of its historical development, to consider the commensurability of new and traditional meanings. The results of the study. The solution of the problem of the philosophical content of the concept of "economic activity" requires the elimination of the ideological heritage of past epochs, in particular, the ancient one (naturally, taking into account the historical value of this heritage). It is important to modernize the philosophical content of the concept of "economic activity" within the framework of the modern scientific picture of the world. In the latter, the understanding of economic activity is correct as not one of the types, but as one of the aspects of human activity, evaluating this activity from the point of view of value. Discussion and conclusion. The implementation of these theoretical and methodological procedures is expedient. The change of scientific pictures of the world, which occurs in the course of the development of science, leads to significant changes in the philosophical content of the conceptual apparatus of economic science. If these changes are not taken into account in the educational and reference literature, this negatively affects the quality of the economist's training.

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