
The article is devoted to the problem of the relevance of using active learning methods in the study of professional disciplines, in particular, practical training aimed at the formation of value orientations among student youth in the process of professional training in a higher educational institution. An analysis of the results of modern research in domestic and foreign psychology on the problem of formation of professional values was carried out. The methodological bases of tasks and the content of lectures and practical classes in professional disciplines are highlighted. The hierarchical structure of value orientations was revealed and their content characteristics were analyzed after studying the discipline of professional training "Psychology". The importance of improving the organization of the educational process with the aim of acquiring practical skills close to the conditions of the educational process, the formation of professional and personal competencies in the future specialist of the pedagogical direction is determined. The expediency of introducing active learning methods into the educational process of a higher educational institution, which is one of the main pillars for acquiring practical skills and abilities necessary for the formation of a specialist's personality, has been proven. The following methods were used to form the results of the research: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, general scientific methods of comparison, systematization, interpretation and description of ideas and facts; questionnaire “Value orientations of the teacher”. The use of scientific and scientific-methodological publications, methods of psychological-pedagogical research and methodological materials and practical experience of specialists in age and pedagogical psychology and the Department of Educational Psychology of the Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work of the Ivan Ohiienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University. The article substantiates the importance of the problem of improving the quality of the professional training of future specialists in the pedagogical industry with the use of active teaching methods, specific pedagogical situations in the study of professional disciplines, in particular, practical training aimed at the formation of a personality of a specialist who would be competitive on the domestic and European labor markets.

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