
Smoking is one of the harmful and common habits among students. In addition to causing irreparable harm to the health of smokers and their environment, this habit prevents boys and girls from developing age-appropriate behavioral attitudes toward a healthy lifestyle and slows down personal and moral growth. Unfortunately, in the minds of young people, smoking is not considered a deviation. Public morality in our country is tolerant of smoking. At the same time, in number of countries smoking is recognized as a form of deviant behavior. Smokers are identified with drug addicts, neurotics, air polluters, and fire makers. Much remains to be done in society to strengthen the idea in the minds of people, and above all, students, that “a smoker is a person who has certain defects in culture and behavior.” If the prevalence of smoking remains at its current level, the mortality rate from smoking in the second quarter of the 21st century will be 10 million people annually. About half of these deaths will occur in the middle age category (40-60 years). Those people who must die today are still children or adults starting their lives. The loss of their life expectancy is about 20 years. According to research by psychologists, the most common reasons for student smoking are imitation of older friends, especially those whom one would like to be like (including parents); the desire to appear mature and independent; the desire to “be like everyone else” in a smoking company. The reason for smoking in some cases is the strict prohibition of parents, especially in cases where the parents themselves smoke.

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