
This research explains the problem of use of colors in graphic design such as ( logos , posters, and so on) to patients with color blindness, Color blindness is one of human diseases , in this disease changed many concepts The first change is the concept of art , That the color component has a big role in art and design ,This disease is mostly a hereditary disease for males than females. Many graphic designers didn't put into consideration when choosing the color groups for their designs how color blindness patients see these designs ? So this research will focus about this point because the color element in graphic design is very important and take a big role in graphic design field to attract users. This research explains definition color blindness disease & Disease's reasons & Kinds of Disease and answered What color blindness patients see? . The research explains The Ishihara test is a color perception test for red-green color deficiencies. It was named after its designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who first published his tests in 1917, the research explains the details about this test . And this research focus that There are theories of color for graphic design , the designers used its such Complementary / contrast between warm color & cold color ( red+green) . So Logos , posters , and so on missed the message in eye’s color blindness patients because color in their design didn’t clear for them . finally the research shows some designers used 2 colors red with green in design logo , poster, and so on , so their design miss the beauty and may be miss the message for color blindness patients.

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