
The article examines the problem of the readiness of future social workers for research activities. It is established that in the pedagogical theory and practice there are no coherent researches of essential characteristics and structure of readiness of social workers for carrying out scientific researches. The purpose of the article is to study the essence and content structure of the readiness of social workers for scientific research activities. Methods of research used: analysis of scientific literature, systematization (for clarification of key concepts of research), generalization (in order to formulate author's conclusions). The scientific approaches to understanding the concept of readiness of a specialist to a certain type of activity - personal and functional are analyzed. It was established that the readiness of the future social worker for research activities is an integral system of professional and personal qualities of a specialist, a solid theoretical and methodological knowledge and research skills, an active personal position in the process of realization of research roles, which is expressed through a positive and conscious attitude to the scientific-research as a component of professionalism. The range of qualities that a social worker must possess: professional competence from a wide range of social problems, high level of general education and culture, knowledge of the related scientific fields, kindness, love for people, sincerity, kindness, sensitivity, mercy, empathy, sociability, flexibility, the ability to support the others and to stimulate them for the development of their own forces, organizational skills, etc. Motivational-value, cognitive, activity and emotional-volitional components are determined in the structure of readiness of social workers for research activities. The motivational-value component implies the presence of interest in SRA (scientific-research activity) in the process of solving professional problems, the desire to deepen scientific research knowledge, and the attitude towards the SRA (scientific-research activity) as a value. The cognitive component defines knowledge of the theory and methodology of scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary research methods. Activity component involves the formation of a number of research skills; emotional-volitional - a sense of intellectual satisfaction from SRA (scientific-research activity), emotional stability, persistence, responsibility, organization, ability to self-reflection.

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