Problem setting. The Ukrainian diaspora in Brazil is one of the most remoted ethnic entity. Having a difficult history of emigration, Ukrainians have integrated quite well into the life of this country, but still managed to preserve its culture, language and traditions. The study of this phenomenon will help to clarify the conditions and factors that allowed Brazilian Ukrainians not to lose its mental connection with their homeland and to represent its nation with dignity outside Ukraine.
 Recent research and publications analysis. Various aspects of the phenomenon of the diaspora, as well as its history, place and significance in socio-economic, cultural and political life are studied by the following researchers: M. Astvartatsurova, V. Yevtukh, W. Safran, G. Sheffer and others. Issues of the Brazilian diaspora are considered by: O. Borushenko, I. Zakrevs’ka, I. Sushinska and others. Problems of national (ethnic) identity are the subject of search of such scientists as L. Bielovetska, M. Voronina, S. Sidorenko, E. Smith and others.
 Paper object. The aim of the article is to study the conditions and factors of preserving the ethnic identity of the Ukrainian diaspora in Brazil, as well as to clarify the role of religion, education, language in its provision.
 Paper main body. Today, the diaspora can be defined as an ethnic community that arises outside their homeland due to various migrations, and, due to unwillingness (or impossibility) to fully assimilate in non-ethnic societies, retains its ethnic identity (culture, language, traditions, etc.). In order to preserve, reproduce and develop, the diaspora creates certain institutions that consolidate its position and ensure interaction with the country of residence and the country of origin. 
 One of the key features in understanding the diaspora is ethnic identity, which is defined as an individual's identification with a particular nation, awareness of their belonging to a national community based on a set of characteristics (territory, citizenship, language, mentality, temperament, history, culture, religion, common interests, aspirations, goals, ideals, needs, etc.), which fundamentally distinguish this nation from other similar groups. All these characteristics are inherent in one of the most remoted ethnic communities - the Ukrainian diaspora in Brazil, which is also one of the oldest (dates back to the late nineteenth century). And quite numerous (according to various estimates from 600,000 to 1,000,000 people).
 What helps Brazilian Ukrainians not to lose, to preserve their national identity far beyond its historical homeland?
 Factors that determined the formation of the ethnic identity of the Ukrainian diaspora in Brazil are, first of all, the challenges and threats that united immigrants from Ukraine, and secondly, the territory of their compact coexistence (southeastern Brazil). An important factor in the formation and preservation of ethnic identity in Brazil is the church, that historically unites Ukrainian community. An indisputable role in preserving Ukrainian identity belongs to the native school in Brazil. From the first years, Ukrainian settlers began to take care of a place where their children could get at least primary education. Today, Brazil has a network of Sunday and Saturday schools, as well as private Ukrainian schools. An indicator of ethnic identity is the language for the study of which a favorable policy has been introduced in Brazil: there are courses in the Ukrainian language and literature; created conditions for free teaching of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language in public schools located in places of compact residence of ethnic Ukrainians. A number of cultural and public societies, which appeared at the end of the 19th century, play a significant role in preserving Ukrainian identity in Brazil and they are still functioning. Brazil is actively developing Ukrainian-language media, including Internet resources, on which Brazilians of Ukrainian origin promote and propagate Ukrainian culture.
 Conclusions of the research. Ukrainians have been quite successful in integrating in Brazil, taking a worthy place in its socio-economic and socio-political life, but at the same time they have been able to preserve their national identity. Certain factors contributed to the creation of a fairly large and authoritative Ukrainian diaspora in Brazil, which is characterized by its ethnic identity. The church, which supports and provides spiritual guidance, plays a significant role in preserving the identity of Ukrainian migrants; a school that provides education and upbringing of new generations; created socio-political and cultural associations that help to socialize in a non-ethnic society and at the same time cultivate their national traditions.
Ключові слова: діаспора, українська діаспора, українська діаспора в Бразилії, ідентичність, етнічна ідентичність, чинники збереження етнічної ідентичності
Адже в глобальному світі це етнічне утворення є джерелом поширення знань про Україну й інформації про особливості нашої культури і менталітету серед світової спільноти
А також її історії, місця і значення в соціально-економічному, культурному та політичному житті вивчають такі дослідники: Б
Ключові слова: діаспора, українська діаспора, українська діаспора в Бразилії, ідентичність, етнічна ідентичність, чинники збереження етнічної ідентичності. Головне питання, яке мають вирішити етнічні українці, які знаходяться далеко за межами своєї історичної Батьківщини, – як успішно закріпитися в іноетнічному середовищі і в той же час зберегти свою національну самобутність? Українська діаспора в Бразилії є одним із найвіддаленіших етнічних утворень.
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