
The article considers the problems of increasing interest and ways to involve students in physical culture and sports. It is determined that in matters of motivation of student youth such qualities of the teacher's personality as compassion, benevolence, sensitivity, justice, purposefulness play a significant role. The teacher is obliged to monitor their appearance and keep themselves in good shape, to have their own approach to each student, and most importantly - to be interested in their work.
 It is also determined that the organization of normal life of student youth entering a new independent adult life depends on the conditions and traditions of the educational institution in which they study. The modern lifestyle and behavior of students is greatly influenced by living and living conditions, financial opportunities, material prosperity, organization of education and recreation, diet and quality of food. Of great importance are the interpersonal relationships that develop in the student environment, the motives of youth. The implementation of these functions is through the solution of some tasks: to gain experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports to achieve life and professional goals, providing general and professional physical training, which determines the psychophysical readiness of students for future professions, forming motivational and value attitude of students to physical culture, attitude to a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports, mastering the scientific and practical foundations of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture, mastering the system of practical skills and abilities to ensure the preservation and strengthening of health , mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and personal qualities, self-determination in physical culture, formation at students of understanding of a role of physical culture in development of the person and preparation for professional activity; development of personality and its preparation for professional activity


  • It is determined that the organization of normal life of student youth entering a new independent adult life depends on the conditions and traditions of the educational institution in which they study

  • Of great importance are the interpersonal relationships that develop in the student environment, the motives of youth

  • Але в будь-якому випадку потрібно просвіщати всі вікові категорії в області фізичної культури й спорту, адже багато хто має неповноцінну базу знань в даній області, й не повну обізнаність в необхідності вправ для здоров’я

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Які знаходилися на вимушеній самоізоляції, пристосовуються до нової форми дистанційного навчання, яка вплинула на структуру навчального заняття, стиль викладання й спосіб життя в цілому. Численні дослідження фахівців в галузі фізичного виховання студентської молоді показують взаємозв’язок рівня здоров’я учнів з рівнем рухової активності, зниження якої пов’язано з малорухливим способом життя, а також з інтенсифікацією навчального процесу в вузі. Мотиви до фізичної активності зобов’язані не просто закликати студента до фізичної діяльності, але також мати осмислений характер.

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