
Electrical substations of 220−750 kV are objects of critical infrastructure with a complex branched technical system, various communications, and expensive equipment. Current regulations provide only general concepts and calculation methods for the simplest objects; however, the issue of arranging a lightning protection system with a combination of mesh, cable, and rod lightning rods for complex power facilities has not been considered. The aim of this study was to systematize the parameters and determine the directions of research on the development of risk assessment methods for determining the level of lightning protection of existing substations with a voltage class of 220−750 kV. Using analysis and synthesis methods, the parameters influencing the risk components were identified and systematized to determine the level of lightning protection, which was performed using the risk assessment method. It has been shown that two components should be considered when determining the level of lightning protection using the risk assessment method for energy facilities: the risk of loss of human life and the risk of loss of services to the public. Areas of research with further development of the risk assessment methodology for 220−750 kV substations are outlined. The parameters for the risk assessment were grouped according to the characteristics of the energy facility, such as location, dimensions, mode of operation of personnel, and line characteristics. The transition from generalized concepts for basic parameters of the risk assessment method to terminology of power plants and substations is performed, and components and parameters that are not considered are identified, which simplifies the determination of the level of lightning protection for existing electrical substations with a voltage class of 220−750 kV

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