
Achievement of high efficiency of functioning of children and youth sports schools is possible only in conditions of building a rational system of training young football players. The rational system of training the sports reserve in football, among other things, involves the maximum realization of the athlete's motor and mental potential in the optimal age intervals for this. The orientation of sports schools towards achieving a long-term goal and full disclosure of individual capabilities, starting from the first stages of many years of training, is the key to the emergence of qualified and competitive players.
 At the same time, one of the main features of the system of youth football in Ukraine is the excessive striving of the majority of coaches of children's teams for a result in a match and victories in tournaments. The purpose of the research was to study the specificity of the orientation of various components of training young football players of 6-13 years old in terms of priority of the competitive result. Research results. The article presents the results of the analysis of the negative influence of the priority of the current competitive result on the content and orientation of various types of training. The nature of the changes in the orientation of the training process and their relationship with the level of preparedness of the players in the long term have been demonstrated. Taking into account the interconnection of different types of training, the consequences of planning the training process were revealed, provided that the current competitive results are of paramount importance at the early stages of long-term training.


  • The purpose of the research was to study the specificity of the orientation of various components of training young football players of 6-13 years old in terms of priority of the competitive result

  • The article presents the results of the analysis of the negative influence of the priority of the current competitive result on the content and orientation of various types of training

  • Taking into account the interconnection of different types of training, the consequences of planning the training process were revealed, provided that the current competitive results are of paramount importance at the early stages of long-term training

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The purpose of the research was to study the specificity of the orientation of various components of training young football players of 6-13 years old in terms of priority of the competitive result. В той же час, попри наявність великого об‘єму відповідних знань та основних принципів побудови системи підготовки юних футболістів, а також, не зважаючи на те, що майже два десятиліття вітчизняним керівникам та тренерам ДЮСШ доступним є досвід успішної їх апробації в країнах з високим розвитком футболу, проблема пріоритетності поточного змагального результату вже на перших етапах багаторічної підготовки залишається актуальною і такою що потребує вивчення.

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