
The article examines the special principle formulated by the author of "Poly functionality and recombination of functions" of the complex process of restorative-reconstructive transformations (RRT) of the historical urban environment. Its compliance with the defined functional system level of the integrated RRT process is shown. Specific techniques that make it possible to implement this principle of transformation are considered in detail. They are recommended by the author to ensure the activity, increase the quality and attractiveness of any historical and architectural value and destruction of the historical urban environment, and transform it into a multi-comfortable one for a long-term stay during the implementation of restorative-reconstructive transformations at the functional level. The relevance of the use of this principle in the implementation of restorative-reconstructive transformations for various degrees of historical and architectural value and destruction of the historical urban environment with the use of the appropriate complex of RRT methods is shown. Depending on the determined degrees of historical and architectural value and destruction of a certain urban environment, it is recommended to apply to it the appropriate methods possible for it, formed into a discrete complex of RRT methods "4C", when each method from the urban planning level pulls its corresponding methods from the volumetric and functional levels. The correspondence of the principle and methods of restorative-reconstructive transformations of the functional level is determined. Recommendations are provided on the application of the most effective combination of functional-level methods for various combinations of degrees of historical and architectural value and destruction of the historical urban environment to transform it into a multi-comfortable one.

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