
The article considers the phylogenetic principle as the core of the general principle of nature in relation to the physical development of preschoolers in normal and with special health capabilities. The phylogenetic logic of human biological formation is reflected in the sequence of individual ontogenetic development of the child, which proves the basic biogenetic law of Haeckel - Mueller. The methodological basis of Mykola Yefimenko's technology is this phylogenetic-ontogenetic sequence of formation of basic movements, which provides a fundamentally new approach to the physical development of preschool children. Physical education classes according to the innovative approach should start with lying-horizontal starting positions (lying, on all fours, sitting) and gradually become more complicated to vertical positions standing, walking, climbing, running and jumping. It is this evolutionary method of practice in the physical education of preschoolers will ensure the implementation of the main didactic principles: from simple - to complex, from easy - to difficult, gradual, consistent, imitation. A kind of evolutionary gymnastics should become not only an algorithm for conducting any form of physical education of preschoolers (from morning gymnastics awakening - to a sports holiday), but be the methodological basis of the whole system of planning physical development of children from nursery to senior group. The implementation of the principle of naturalness will be able to provide stimulation of mental development of preschool children on the basis of purposeful stimulation of attractor structures of the brain formed during human evolution. All this will be able to guarantee the full psychophysical development of the child as a person and in the future its successful socialization. Key words: nature correspondence principle, physical development, preschoolers, phylogenetic sequence, evolutionary method.

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