
This article addresses the consensus problem in asynchronous systems prone to process crashes, where additionally the processes are anonymous (they cannot be distinguished one from the other: they have no name and execute the same code). To circumvent the three computational adversaries (asynchrony, failures, and anonymity) each process is provided with a failure detector of a class denoted ψ , that gives it an upper bound on the number of processes that are currently alive (in a nonanonymous system, the classes ψ and P ---the class of perfect failure detectors---are equivalent). The article first presents a simple ψ -based consensus algorithm where the processes decide in 2 t + 1 asynchronous rounds (where t is an upper bound on the number of faulty processes). It then shows one of its main results, namely 2 t + 1 is a lower bound for consensus in the anonymous systems equipped with ψ . The second contribution addresses early-decision. The article presents and proves correct an early-deciding algorithm where the processes decide in min(2 f + 2, 2 t + 1) asynchronous rounds (where f is the actual number of process failures). This leads us to think that anonymity doubles the cost (with respect to synchronous systems) and it is conjectured that min(2 f + 2, 2 t + 1) is the corresponding lower bound. The article finally considers the k -set agreement problem in anonymous systems. It first shows that the previous ψ -based consensus algorithm solves the k -set agreement problem in Rt = 2⌊t k⌋ + 1 asynchronous rounds. Then, considering a family of failure detector classes { ψℓ }0 ≤ ℓ < k that generalizes the class ψ (= ψ 0 ), the article presents an algorithm that solves the k -set agreement in Rt,ℓ = 2 ⌊ t k − ℓ ⌋ + 1 asynchronous rounds. This last formula relates the cost ( Rt,ℓ ) the coordination degree of the problem ( k ), the maximum number of failures ( t ), and the the strength ( ℓ ) of the underlying failure detector. Finally the article concludes by presenting problems that remain open.

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