
The study represents a followup to an ealier one of the relation ship between measures of personality characteristics and peer rat ings. Applicants for positions as college dormitory resident assistants participated in small group workshops followed by peer ratings of group members on five criteria regarding their potential as a resi dent assistant. The peer ratings were correlated with the scores of the applicants on each of 14 traits of the Personality Research Form (PRF). The correlations were low in comparison with those in an earlier study in which peer ratings were correlated with the Edwards Personality Inventory. The difference between the studies is dis cussed in terms of specificity of the traits measured. In such a speci ficity interpretation it was hypothesized that when the trait is di rectly relatable to the behaviors needed to perform a specific job, the correlations would be stronger between the trait and the behavior than when the trait is multifaceted and thus harder to relate directly to the requirements of the job.

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