
Abstract : The approach of this study involved multimethod personality assessment via a composite profile derived by averaging self-report inventory/questionnaire data, direct self-ratings, and peer ratings, all basd on a common set of construct definitions. The personality dimensions appraised included the traits of the Personality Research Form (PRF) and Jackson Personality dimensions appraised included the traits of the Personality Research Form (PRF) and Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI), along with demographic information and additional pertinent variables: androgyny, i.e., masculinity and femininity subscales of the PRF ANDRO scale; and an MMPI-scale-4-derived subscale, viz., Pd-AA, developed by the author. The investigation was primarily exploratory, but specific hypotheses were tested regarding the PRF-JPI traits of aggression, autonomy, impulsivity, anxiety, conformity, and responsibility, as well as the androgyny and Pd-AA variables. Data were also gathered relating to short-term retesting and degree of congruency among the three mmodes of trait estimation: inventory, self-ratings, and ratings by others. The experimental and control samples were comprised of adult male volunteers. Alcoholic data were collected form 36 inpatients in an approximately 4.5-week alcoholism treatment program in a VA hospital; and control data, from 42 city fire fighters. Study resutls are presented mainly in terms of extensive ANOVA and correlational analyses.

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