Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of supernumerary premolar teeth (SPs) in a Turkish sub-population of non-syndromic patients using digital panoramic radiography (DPR) based on gender and age. Characteristics such as number, shape, direction, position, status of eruption and degree of formation were also analysed. The study also aimed to evaluate the incidence of supernumerary premolar teeth and related complications in the community. Materials and Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of DPRs from 11960 patients. Participants were aged 15 years and over. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics with SPSS software. The relationship between SP teeth and gender, maxillary-mandibular location, right-left location, unilateral-bilateral distribution, and type was evaluated separately using a one-way chi-squared test. A significance level of 0.05 was used. Results: The age range of the participants was 15-97 years with a mean age of 38.84 years. Forty-nine SP teeth were found in 35 patients (%0.29). Of the 35 patients with SP teeth, 26 had only one, while the rest had several. 39 of the SP teeth were fully impacted, 6 partially erupted and 4 fully erupted. 43 were supplemental, 5 conical, and 1 tuberculate. No odontoma was found. No complications were observed in 83.7% (41) of the SP teeth. Conclusions: The study showed that the incidence of supernumerary premolars in this population was 0.29%. Most SPs were impacted and showed no symptoms. Early diagnosis of SPs with digital panoramic radiography is crucial to prevent potential complications.
Published Version
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