
The results of the development of a system of State primary and secondary standards of the units of quantities employed in physicochemical measurements, and when solving problems of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the nanosystems industry with rational use of natural resources, are presented. The part played by standards in ensuring the functioning of the generalized checking scheme is described. A standard base in the area of physicochemical measurements was set up at the Ural Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM) in the 1970s. Particular attention was devoted to measurements of the moisture content of solids and materials, and the composition of pure substances. In the 1980s, the standard base consisted of two highly accurate equipments, on the basis of which two State primary standards of the units of quantities were constructed, characterizing the content of the compo- nents in solid and liquid substances and materials. The orientation towards metrology in physicochemical measurements at that time was due to the general trends in the development and improvement of this area, the requirements of the national economy for standard samples of the com- position of substances and materials, and also the need to set up a standard base for measuring the moisture content of solids, since the requirements imposed on the accuracy with which the moisture content of such strategic reserves as grain and grain products was measured had increased considerably. At the present time, considerable attention is being devoted to problems of ensuring that measurements can be traced to units of the International System of Units and of confirming measurement and calibration capabilities in physicochemical measurements. The area of physicochemical measurements, which is characterized by complexity and variety of objects, methods and measuring instruments, their wide range and content of components, is constantly being developed. Below we present information on the composition and metrological characteristics of the State Primary and Secondary Standards, which are used at the UNIIM in this area. The metrological characteristics of the State Primary Standard of the unit of mass fraction and mass (molar) con- centration of water in solid and liquid materials (GET 173-2013 (1, 2)) are presented in Table 1.

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