
Disability groups are groups vulnerable to disaster risk. Most families with disabilities feel worried about defending themselves in the event of a disaster. They are less socialized with disaster mitigation efforts. This research has provided an overview of the preparedness of families with disabilities children in increasing disaster resilience. Analytical research was conducted on families with disabilities children in the city of Padang. Data collection tools in this study used a standard questionnaire from LIPI-UNESCO / ISDR. The data were processed by a computer and analyzed using multiple regression statistical tests. The results showed the preparedness of Families With Disabilities Children in the face of disasters; it was seen that the knowledge category was ready (42.2%), the preparedness plan category was not ready (37.8%), the disaster warning category was not ready (46.7%), the resource mobilization category was not ready, ready (82.2%), the tsunami disaster preparedness index value is 57% (ready category). This research recommended local governments must provide special treatment for people with disabilities by increasing training, seminars, and disaster simulations.


  • According to World Health Organization (WHO) (2011), disaster is a sudden phenomenon that has a very severe impact on the environment in which you live and requires assistance from outside the community where the incident occurred (WHO, 2011)

  • The results showed the preparedness of families with disabilities children in the face of disasters; it was seen that the knowledge category was ready (42.2%), the preparedness plan category was not ready (37.8%), the disaster warning category was not ready (46.7%), the resource mobilization category was not ready (82.2%), the tsunami disaster preparedness index value is 57%

  • The results showed that the mobilization of family resources in facing disasters was a small number of household members who had attended disaster training generally

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According to WHO (2011), disaster is a sudden phenomenon that has a very severe impact on the environment in which you live and requires assistance from outside the community where the incident occurred (WHO, 2011). Considering that Padang City, West Sumatra Province is an area prone to disasters in the form of tsunamis, it is necessary to know the role of families with disabilities children in increasing disaster resilience. This research will provide an overview of the role of families of persons with disabilities in disaster management and disaster risk reduction efforts before a disaster occurs to anticipate the impact of disasters. The results of the preparedness of families with members with disabilities can be seen from the calculation using the following formula (LIPIUNESCO / ISDR, 2006): Index = 0.45 * KA index + 0.35 * EP index + 0.15 * RMC index + 0.05 * indexWS. Based on the index value for tsunami disaster preparedness (LIPI-UNESCO / ISDR, 2006), it is classified as very ready if the index value is ≥ 80-100%, ready category ≥ 65-79%, almost ready category ≥ 55- 64%, category less ready ≥ 40-54% and the category not ready

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