
As the number of English language learners (ELLs) continues to grow in Califorina and throughout the country, there is a need to examine present policies that impact the preparation of teachers to meet the varying needs of this diverse student poplulation. This article utilizes a framework of educational responsiveness to examine the definition and expectations of a “highly qualified teacher” as presented at the federal level by No Child Left Behind law (2002) that presents a generic approach to the education of ELLs. It is within this “unresponsive” policy and sociopolitical context that concerns and actions for equity in education and, specifically, for bilingual teacher preparation are situated. In this article we examine the federal and state contexts and describe efforts in California to be responsive to English language learners. Finally, we highlight ongoing efforts that challenge these mandates and policies in order to more effectively meet the needs of ELLs in California. These efforts are manifested via professional organizations committed to educational research toward appropriate pedagogy for language devleopment and political advocacy for English language learners.

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