
The predatory behavior of field‐collected Mesocyclops edax on four different kinds of prey was compared under similar and different predator starvation regimes. Unstarved Mesocyclops did not consume either the ciliate Rhabdostyla or the cladoceran Bosmina. Increasing starvation in the predator increased the probability of ingestion after encounter for both of these prey. The rotifer Asplanchna and the nauplii of the copepod Diaptomus were consumed by starved and unstarved Mesocyclops. The probability of ingestion after encounter increased with increasing predator starvation for Asplanchna, hut not for nauplii. Both behavioral and morphological characteristics of the prey were important in regulating the predator’s ability to capture and ingest the prey and in determining the time and energy which the predator had to invest to receive its nutritional rewards.

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