
Kef couples the potassium efflux with proton influx in gram-negative bacteria. The resulting acidification of the cytosol efficiently prevents the killing of the bacteria by reactive electrophilic compounds. While other degradation pathways for electrophiles exist, Kef is a short-term response that is crucial for survival. It requires tight regulation since its activation comes with the burden of disturbed homeostasis. Electrophiles, entering the cell, react spontaneously or catalytically with glutathione, which is present at high concentrations in the cytosol. The resulting glutathione conjugates bind to the cytosolic regulatory domain of Kef and trigger activation while the binding of glutathione keeps the system closed. Furthermore, nucleotides can bind to this domain for stabilization or inhibition. The binding of an additional ancillary subunit, called KefF or KefG, to the cytosolic domain is required for full activation. The regulatory domain is termed K+ transport-nucleotide binding (KTN) or regulator of potassium conductance (RCK) domain, and it is also found in potassium uptake systems or channels in other oligomeric arrangements. Bacterial RosB-like transporters and K+ efflux antiporters (KEA) of plants are homologs of Kef but fulfill different functions. In summary, Kef provides an interesting and well-studied example of a highly regulated bacterial transport system.

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