
ABSTRACT Geophysical and vibrocore information was used to interpret the distribution, character and evolution of post-glacial sediments in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy. Sedimentological evidence provided information on the environment of deposition of the sediments found. Results show that the Minas Basin seabed has not been subaerially exposed since glacial times and that deposition has taken place under continuously marine conditions. During the approximate period 8,600 years B.P.-6,300 years B.P. the Minas Basin was non-tidal and sedimentation occurred predominantly in the deeper parts of the embayment. From 6300 Y.B.P. to the present tidal activity has been increasing linearly; the present tidal activity is the most energetic condition to have occurred in the system. During this period d position was progressively more predominant in the marginal regions, developing the sandflats, mudflats and salt marshes visible today. The progressive inundation of the Minas Basin margins is a function of an increase in tidal range (50%) and a rise in apparent mean sea-level (50%).

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