
This article presents an attempt to determine a preferred way of forming a healthy lifestyle of university students within the discipline "Physical Culture". According to a number of researchers, the foundations of the principles of healthy lifestyle are laid long before entering the higher education system. But the system itself cannot stay away from the changes taking place in modern Russian society. An important tool through which it is possible to influence the healthy lifestyle of students is the training system within the discipline "Physical Culture" organized at a university. Thanks to this system, it is possible to change the shape and nature of the students' lifestyle to varying degrees. It turns out to be significant that in the modern world, young people, and students in particular, are influenced by two contradictory trends in the formation of their lifestyle. On the one hand, society requires students to think about the future, pay great attention to health and be able to keep it in good condition, and on the other hand, there are changes in the educational process of higher educational institutions, mainly in the direction of reducing the hours of classroom workload for students. The state also focuses on the problem of public health. In this regard, the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" dated December 4, 2007 (No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007) appeared in Russian legislation. Also in the Federal Target Program "Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for 2016-2020" (No. 464 of 05/25/2016) the need to popularize the standard of healthy lifestyle as one of the most important priorities of Russia's social and economic policy was emphasized. The basis for this article was a part of the study by A.V. Shishkina, a graduate of the Institute of History and Sociology, department of Sociology, UdSU, conducted in 2018-2020 and performed under the scientific supervision of Ph.D., Associate Professor M.A. Polishchuk. The results obtained can be useful to specialists in working with young people, contributing to improving the culture of serving visitors of different socio-demographic groups and more careful planning of their professional activities.

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