
As part of teaching programming in a school informatics course, an important issue is the possibility of using various online programming environments that can be used when teaching the Python programming language. Online programming environments are specialized web services that provide the ability to write and run programs in the appropriate programming language.The article provides an analysis of the content of textbooks and manuals on the subject of "Informatics" in the context of the authors' description of the possibility of using online environments when teaching the Python language. The possibilities of online programming environments for working with the interactive and program mode of Python are considered. The functionality of four services is described: Python Shell, Online Python, JDoodle Online Python 3 IDE, Trinket Python. A demonstration of their work is given on examples of programs in the Python language. The advantages and disadvantages of these online environments are analyzed as part of the study of the "Programming" section in the school informatics course. A comparative description of the considered online programming environments is given. The possibilities of their use as a means of electronic support during lessons in the framework of studying the Python programming language are described.

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