
Propelled through 21st century social movements, public interest in masculinities, femininities and gender embodiment has intensified. In schools, despite anti-discriminatory legislation, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia persist, pointing to the need for inclusive policies and practices to support gender equity and diversity. Media reporting in Western countries has also raised concerns regarding the impact of school dress codes and uniform policies on student well-being and the regulation of gender identity and gender expression. Underpinned by queer, transgender and feminist perspectives, this paper takes an intersectional approach to investigate how school dress codes and uniforms sustain gender binaries, while eclipsing diverse gender and sexual identities. The discussion is inspired by third wave feminist scholarship, acknowledging that gender, sexuality and race intersect and overlap on an individual and structural level. Results present recommendations for disrupting discriminatory dress codes and uniforms in a broader discussion about school reform.

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