
The study investigated the cultural and social dimensions of school uniform policies and their effects on student conduct in secondary schools in the United Kingdom. Motivated by the growing debate around the necessity and impact of school uniforms, the study sought to provide empirical evidence to inform policy decisions. A mixed-methods approach was used, combining qualitative interviews with educational professionals and parents, along with a quantitative survey administered to 500 students from five different secondary schools. Interviews focused on the perceptions of school uniforms within the context of culture and social norms, while the survey aimed to quantify the impact of uniforms on student behavior, such as attendance rates, incidences of bullying, and academic performance. The results revealed that 60% of students believed that wearing a uniform reduced instances of bullying, while 55% reported increased focus on academics. Attendance rates improved by 8% in schools with a uniform policy compared to those without. However, 40% of students indicated feeling a loss of personal expression and 25% of parents expressed concerns about the financial burden of purchasing uniforms. In conclusion, the study found that school uniform policies have a largely positive impact on student conduct, reducing bullying and improving attendance. However, issues around personal expression and financial burden cannot be overlooked. The study recommends that the schools should implement a subsidized program for low-income families to alleviate financial stress, and introducing free dress days to allow for personal expression. Furthermore, schools should involve parents, teachers, and students in discussions about any changes to uniform policies to ensure that multiple perspectives are considered. Keywords: School uniform policies, student conduct, secondary schools, cultural dimensions, social dimensions

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