The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Europe and Latin America. Edited by Austen Ivereigh. [NineteenthCentury Latin American Series, No. 5.] (London: Institute of Latin American Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Available through Institute of Latin American Studies, 31 Tavistock Square, London WC 1H 9HA. 2000. Pp. viii, 223. 12.00 or $19.95 paperback.) The Institute of Latin American Studies promotes closer investigation into what it feels is a neglected period in Latin American Studies, nineteenth century. The focus in this collection of essays from a symposium presented by Institute is on Church/State conflict and does indeed suggest that much work remains to be done on this important subject. Dynamic leadership and bold initiatives experienced by Catholic Church in its Revival made Catholics determined to play a prominent role in development of their respective countries. This was not viewed benignly by secular-minded liberals. The standard interpretation of ensuing conflict is derived from republican position: liberalism advanced all that was positive and desirable, religion was a hindrance. Such is far from whole truth. Margaret Lavinia Anderson lucidly describes important characteristics of Revival in Europe, beginning with vigorous assertion of papal authority. Other elements including schools, associations, and Catholic participation in politics are described as the divisions of pope. James E McMillan cogently argues that in France republicans precipitated quarrel with their anticlerical measures to circumscribe role of religion in national life, then were infuriated by Catholic opposition liberals termed clericalism, meaning illicit interference on part of clergy in sphere of politics and public life.' Religion and French political philosophy both constituted major influences in Latin America. However, Eric Van Young illustrates how indifferent or ignorant of true desires of masses their purported leaders were during struggle for independence in Mexico and later. Indians were motivated by traditional and spiritual attitudes which may be traced back to pre-Columbian origins, not French Revolution. (Still, it is curious that there is no discussion of influence of sixteenth-century missionaries and their millenarian ideals in evolution of Indian concept of a messiah-king. …
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