
The conference on the politicization of science was held at Bielefeld University from May 25 to 29, 2009; it was jointly organized by the Bielefeld Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) and the European Science Foundation (ESF). It is supposed to be part of a conference series on "science and values," organized by Martin Carrier and Peter Weingart. The conference was a tri-disciplinary endeavor in the tradition of the Bielefeld Institute for Science and Technology Studies (IWT) and comprised speakers from phi losophy of science, sociology of science, and history of science. Among the participants were Justin Biddle (Bielefeld University), Mark Brown (Bie lefeld University), Harry Collins (Cardiff University), Heather Douglas (University of Tennessee), John Dupre (University of Exeter), David Guston (Arizona State University), Don Howard (University of Notre Dame), Giirol Irzik (Bogazici University), Philip Kitcher (Columbia University), Janet Kourany (University of Notre Dame), Alfred Nordmann (TU Darmstadt), Helga Nowotny (European Research Council), Dominique Pestre (EHESS Paris), Ortwin Renn (University of Stuttgart), Arie Rip (Twente University), Daniel Sar ewitz (Arizona State University), Norton Wise (UCLA), Michael Yeo (Laurentian University).

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