
It is well-known that there is a positive relationship between class position and the political orientation of citizens. Insuch a way that the class position is considered as an independent variable and political orientations as dependentvariables. In this research, we will try to survey the political orientations of middle and lower classes in Iran in thetwo states of Reformist and Principals, namely, the presidency of Khatami, and Ahmadinejad. The main question isthat the growth of the middle class tends to make progress in countries, but why the quantitative growth of this classin Iran, has not led to proper progress in our country? The hypothesis of this article is as follows: The growth of themiddle class in the advanced countries is linked to their democratic political structures, while in the third worldcountries due to the rentierity, the middle classes are made by governments. Therefore, they cannot actindependently and be effective in the political and cultural development of countries.

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