
Poland has gone through a series of remarkable political transformations over the last 30 years. It has changed from a communist state in the Soviet sphere of influence to an autonomic prosperous democracy and proud member of the EU. Paradoxically, since 2015, Poland seems to be heading rapidly in the opposite direction. It was the Polish Solidarity movement that started the peaceful revolution that subsequently triggered important democratic changes on a worldwide scale, including the demolition of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of Communism and the end of Cold War. Fighting for freedom and independence is an important part of Polish national identity, sealed with the blood of generations dying in numerous uprisings. However, participation in the democratic process is curiously limited in Poland. The right-wing, populist Law and Justice Party (PiS) won elections in Poland in 2015. Since then, Poles have given up more and more freedoms in exchange for promises of protection from different imaginary enemies, including Muslim refugees and the gay and lesbian community. More and more social groups are being marginalized and deprived of their civil rights. The COVID-19 pandemic has given the ruling party a reason to further limit the right of assembly and protest. Polish society is sinking into deeper and deeper divisions.


  • Poland in 2020: On the Path to Reverse Democratic ChangesPoland has gone through a remarkable transformation over the last 30 years

  • It has changed from a communist state in the Soviet sphere of influence to an autonomous, prosperous democracy and proud member of the EU

  • The state and the political elites played a decisive role in the political transformation

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Poland has gone through a remarkable transformation over the last 30 years. It has changed from a communist state in the Soviet sphere of influence to an autonomous, prosperous democracy and proud member of the EU. PiS policy in sphere of the civil society strengthened organizations with a conservative profile, right-wing ideology and those affiliated with the Church or with Catholic values These organisations are receiving disproportional state support (see Section 2.3). The similar label of representing foreign, anti-Polish interests was put on all protests against government policy, including reducing the independence of the judiciary, discrimination towards LGBTQ communities and, lately, changing the abortion law. If you are not Catholic and do not support the ruling party, your “Polishness” is questionable Such definition of being “authentic” Pole excludes PiS’s political opponents from the national community. This antagonistic policy of the PiS resulted in discrimination and displacement of more and more social groups. It is difficult to understand the paradox of modern Poland without some historical background

Historical Background
Paradox of Social Apathy
The 2015 Election: A Radical Change of Direction
The Policy of Excluding Potential Enemies
Subordinating the Justice System to Political Control
Taking over Public Administration and the Media
Managing Non Government Organizations and the Rise of the Far-Right
The Policy of Excluding Imaginary Enemies
Election Campaign 2015
Growing Social Tensions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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