
This study tries to describe the policy implemented by the Japanese fascist military authority toward pesantren education during their occupation in Indonesia. The research problem is how the policies used by the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren during their occupation in Indonesia before the independence of Indonesia. Primary data sources of this study include some works examining the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. Various scientific papers on Japanese colonization in Indonesia are used as secondary data sources of this study. This study uses historical approach and library research method focusing on the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. The collected data then were analyzed by using content analysis. This study exposes that the Japanese government provide more freedom for pesantren education than the Dutch colonial to develop themselves without any affection from the Japanese government. It could be seen from a fact that when pesantren were about to develop their basic potential as an educational institution teaching anti-colonial attitudes, Japanese government immediately acted repressively. They always monitored the kiai as well as all pesantren’s activities.


  • Japan is one of the nations in the world that has colonized the Indonesian people and the nation

  • The political system of the Indonesian people was to create a world order based on independence, eternal peace, and social justice

  • The fires of war that were fomented by Japan reached the Southeast Asia region, including Indonesia

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The Policy of Japanese Fascist Military Authority on Pesantren Education

Abstrak Kajian ini mencoba mendeskripsikan kebijakan yang diambil oleh penguasa fasis Jepang terhadap pendidikan pesantren selama masa pendudukannya di Indonesia. Adapun rumusan permasalahannya ialah bagaimana kebijakan yang diambil oleh penguasa fasis Jepang terhadap pendidikan pesantren selama masa pendudukannya di Indonesia sebelum kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini meliputi karya-karya yang mengkaji kebijakan penguasa fasis Jepang terhadap pendidikan pesantren. Jenis kajian ini termasuk kajian kepustakaandengan fokusnya pada kebijakan penguasa fasis Jepang terhadap pendidikan pesantren. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa pemerintah pendudukan Jepang memberi ruang gerak pendidikan pesantren lebih “bebas” dibandingkan kolonial Belanda. Kebebasan dalam pengertian “membiarkan” lembaga pendidikan pesantren untuk berkembang sendiri tanpa adanya “keberpihakan” dari pemerintah pendudukan Jepang. Ketika pesantren hendak mengembangkan potensi dasarnya sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang mengajarkan sikap antipenjajahan, Jepang segera “bertindak” represif. Pada masa pendudukan Jepang, pesantren-pesantren dan para kiai “diawasi” dan “dikebiri” kemandiriannya

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