
Kaab bin Zuhair has a high status in Arabic poetry and is a descendant of a family gifted with poetry. His father is the well-known pre-Islamic poet Zuhair bin Abi Salma. He was one of the famous poets in the pre-Islamic era even after the advent of Islam. It is worth noting that he plays an important role in preserving the message of Islam through his poems and poems. Likewise, there are many Islamic values and knowledge about Islam from the poetry of Ka`b bin Zuhair in the era of Islam. This research aims to know the poetic style of Kaab bin Zuhair in his Islamic poetry and to discover a role in his poetry about the Islamization of knowledge. The article released on the desk descriptive approach and focused the research on Islamic poetry. The researcher analyzed the Islamic poetry of Kaab bin Zuhair based on the explanation of the Diwan of Kaab bin Zuhair to Abu Saeed Al Hussein bin Al Hussein bin Abdullah Al Sukari. The research concluded that Kaab bin Zuhair's poetry was profoundly affected by Islam in terms of terms and methods.

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