
The article substantiates a list of questions about the mechanisms and conditions of the dynamics of semantic architectonics of an individual’s consciousness as a text. The link between self-organization and reorganization of the semantic architectonics of an individual’s consciousness and the generative property of personality as a complex system to self-movement and self-transformation, characterized by self-attribution, is proved. The postulated trans-theoretic existential-systemic concept is validated. We examined the concept composition, substantive elements, the rules of their interactions and mutual influence, the model of their organization, their participation and relevance at request solving and processing of levels, stages and procedural actions reorganizing the semantic architectonics of an individual’s consciousness. The procedure of theoretical-methodological research consisted of the following methods: the synergistic method to analyze interaction and consistency of paradigm bases when creating a new concept; the modeling method to determine the foundations of a built model; and the reconstruction method to determine a coordinate space as a unified methodological background for describing the diversity and heterogeneity of concepts used in the initial research approaches. The heuristic model of the trans-theoretic concept was constructed, which consisted of existential analysis, the theory of dynamical systems, individual psychology, transpersonal psychology, psychodrama and some practical branches - system modeling, decoding of experience, neurological levels, holotropic breathing. These components exhibited fundamental diversity, but at the same time, the essential unity of the existential-system concept and influence on the dynamics of an individual’s meanings, in particular, intentionally created meanings and the individual’s identity basis, and on a certain acqured life position as a source of meaning in a life situation. The integrative unity of the examined concept was achieved by the construct from the theory of dynamical systems, namely: the nonlinearity of development of complex systems, to which personality belongs. The synergistic relationships between the elements of the trans-theoretic existential-systemic concept were determined on the plane of the microstructure. The internal interaction of the concept elements covered five perspectives of actions, namely: system-determined, ontological, genetic, functional and content-contextual. The dynamic processes of the reorganization of the semantic architectonics of consciousness are determined by common actions of the genetic, systemic and contextual planes of the existential-systemic concept, which shape and fill with content the ontological field of an individual’s existential reality; so the following key categories can be revealed: “self-attribution” and “dialogue exchange between the Self and the world”, “intentionality”, “the experience of meeting with oneself, the world and the world of other people”, “evolution”. The reorganization of the semantic architectonics of an individual’s consciousness is presented as a three-dimensional coordinate space with vectors. The protocol of the psychological assistance for clients with panic attacks is described, containing sequential steps and tasks of each of the vectors and the corresponding operations. &nbsp


  • Кандидат психологических наук, доцент, докторант кафедры психологии личности и социальных практик Института человека Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко, г

  • We examined the concept composition, substantive elements, the rules of their interactions and mutual influence, the model of their organization, their participation and relevance at request solving and processing of levels, stages and procedural actions reorganizing the semantic architectonics of an individual’s consciousness

  • Засоби: побудова та усвідомлення клієнтом власної ментальної моделі, яка зумовлює структуру елементів його системи та виступає крапкою на певному життєвому етапі і, одночасно, важелем особистісної трансформації; переформулювання девізу життя; корекція емоційного переживання та визначення емоційних програм дій; драматичне полегшення переживання; самовивільнення; холотропне дихання за умови альтернативної (на тлі змінених станів) генези панічних атак та домінуючої емоції відрази; реімпринтинг досвіду

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Доцент, докторант кафедры психологии личности и социальных практик Института человека Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко, г. Ідеї функціональної парадигми, а саме: еволюціонування, флуктації, біфуркації, однокрапкового, періодичного або хаотичного аттракторів, самоорганізації, автопоеза, екології дії, прийняття виклику складності, породження смислу, свободи та відповідальності тощо, вимагають створення «транстеоретичного» (Прохазка & Норкросс, 2007) концепту, який в своїй єдності забезпечуватиме зростання рушійних сил особистості та динаміки смислової архітектоніки її свідомості.

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