
The association between law and politics has been taken for granted in Nigerian law. Mostly, the political considerations have dominated the legal decisions in Nigeria. Law was conceived as something that should map out the way and means of peaceful co-existence, progress and development of the society under a uniform of rule-guided system. The paper having made use of the complex triangulation and combination of Elite, Games and Marxist theory which has profound impact on sociological thoughts about power and social organizations of human beings visa-viz their relationship in the society. It argues that over the years in Nigeria, law has progressively developed and metamorphosed to having so many faces and has produced different results. These results are negative and positives in most cases. It is on this note that the paper examines the stance of law in the game of politics in Nigeria. While suggesting that time has come to enhance the requirements and position of law in order to give politics and governance a new face in Nigeria.

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