
In the article, I will consider the essence of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. The definition of the concept of “administrative-legal provision of the rights and freedoms of citizens” is provided, taking into account that this legal phenomenon should be understood as the activity of public authorities regulated by legislation, the content of which is the creation of conditions for the realization, protection and protection of citizens’ rights through legal means. The content and features of the implementation of administrative and legal means of ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen by public authorities are disclosed.Emphasis is placed on one of the key directions of implementation of the law enforcement function of the state through ensuring the safety of people, society and the state as a whole, with the aim of achieving a state of legal protection of vital public and private interests. The important place in the system of the relevant subjects of the SSU powers of authority is emphasized. The system of this state institution is built in the form of a central management unit, a regional unit, a specialized unit, a research and educational unit, a specialized unit, and their content of activity are also characterized.The specifics of the administrative and legal status of the bodies and units of the Security Service of Ukraine were determined, and the essence of their external and internal administrative activities while guaranteeing the effective functioning of the national mechanism for ensuring human rights was revealed. With this in mind, the main functions of the SSU in the relevant field are specified, including preventive, counterintelligence, law enforcement, information and analytical, scientific and technical, national security, criminal justice, international legal, interdepartmental and partnership function function.

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