
The Polarized Instrument for Long wavelength Observation of the Tenuous interstellar medium (PILOT) is a balloon borne experiment designed to measure the polarized emission from dust grains in the galaxy in the submillimeter range. The payload is composed of a telescope at the optical focus of which is placed a camera using 2048 bolometers cooled to 300 mK. The camera performs polarized optical measurements in two spectral bands (240 μm and 550 μm). The polarization measurement is based on a cryogenic rotating half-wave plate and a fixed mesh grid polarizer placed at 45o separating the beam into two orthogonal polarized components each detected by a detector array. The Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (Orsay, France) is responsible for the design, integration, tests and spectral calibration of the camera. Two optical benches have been designed for its imaging and polarization characterization and spectral calibration. Theses setups allow to validate the alignment of the camera cryogenic optics, to check the optical quality of the images, to characterize the time and intensity response of the detectors, and to measure the overall spectral response. A numerical photometric model of the instrument was developed for the optical configuration during calibration tests (spectral), functional tests (imager) on the ground, and flight configuration at the telescope focus, giving an estimate of the optical power received by the detectors for each configuration.

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