
The summer phytoplankton communities of three lakes, originated in flooded quarries, were investigated. All lakes were small (0.35-0.42 ha), wind protected, oligo- or mesotrophic water bodies with high relative depth (>10 %). Their phytoplankton was dominated by flagellates, forming a heterogeneous distribution with metalimnetic maxima of abundance. In Skali and Pasticky lake, these maxima were formed by Cryptophyceae mostly. The diurnal vertical migration patterns were investigated for 10 species in Pasticky lake. Cryptomonas curvata and C. phaseolus were located at the boundary between oxic and anoxic water layer, at night C. curvata descended into anoxia. Similar pattern showed Euglena acus. On the other hand, Synura sp. and Ceratium hirundinella had their maxima between 3 m and above upper boundary of anoxia. Paulschultzia pseudovolvox, coccal desmid Cosmarium pygmeum and Rhodomonas lacustris occurred in epilimnium. The small proportion of coccal forms in phytoplankton biomass and dominance of flagellates is probably the result of unmixed water column, where the forms dependent on the dwelling caused by water turbulence are outcompeted by flagellates, able to eliminate sedimentation loss, having acces both to hypolimnetic nutrients and sufficient light for their photosynthesis.

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