
Physical activity helps to strengthen health, prevent diseases, improve the functional state of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other systems, increase the level of physical development, preparedness and work capacity; stimulates intellectual activity.
 Lack of physical activity among the applicants for higher education has a negative effect on health, level of physical development and preparedness; causes metabolic disorders, deterioration of the mental state, occurrence of various diseases, development of hypertension, diabetes, breast cancer, depression.
 The applicants for higher education lead a sedentary lifestyle. This causes deterioration of health; diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems; frequent respiratory diseases, decreased activity of the immune system; reduction of protective mechanisms to adverse environmental influences, level of physical development, preparedness and working capacity of the specified contingent.
 The purpose of the article is to study the impact of physical activity on the health status and the quality of life of applicants for higher education.
 As a result of the study, it was found that optimal physical activity contributes to the improvement of health status and to the increase of level of the quality of life of applicants for higher education.

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