
This article aims to study the pronunciation problems related to the phonetic aspect that non-Arabic-speaking students of Hausa suffer from, and the study adopted the descriptive analytical approach and the contrastive approach. The significance of this study comes from the fact that it seeks to study the most important branch among the linguistic branches, which is the phonetics. It also acquires its importance in that it is based on analyzing the difficulties experienced by Hausa students when pronouncing some Arabic sounds, and shows the reason for these difficulties, while drawing methods to overcome them and putting steps to solve these problems. The study concluded that pronouncing some Arabic sounds is one of the biggest linguistic problems that most Hausa students suffer from, due to the difference of their mother tongue (Hausa) from the Arabic language in sound pattern, points of articulation, manners and the pronunciation habits of the Arabic native speakers. The finding also revealed that the majority of these students face Great difficulty in pronouncing Arabic sounds that do not exist in Hausa Language, such as: (Өث , ḥح , ḫخ , ’ع , ṣص , ḍض , ḏذ , d⸮ظ ) and we also found that, the pronunciation of the dark sounds correctly, is one of the big problem to them.

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