
The article sheds light on the results of a theoretical study of the problem of the generational phenomenon in the families of ethnic minorities: sociopsychological analysis. The author of the article sheds light on the psychological characteristics of people of different nationalities in multi-ethnic families, and considers such concepts as the phenomenon of generations and the concept of generational change within the framework of a socio-psychological approach, namely, in the family, the foundations of the individual’s relations with representatives of other ethnic communities are laid, and from what these relations will be, which depends on the life of a person and society as a whole. Concepts are revealed: multi-ethnic family, concept of family of ethnic minorities. The socio-psychological characteristics and features of relationships are analyzed, which allow us to identify such psychological conditions for the harmonization of relationships in the families of ethnic minorities as the commonality of family values, respect for the older generation, the consistency of the child-rearing model, and the spiritual level of compatibility of spouses. The concept of a generation as a socio-age group of people, equally distant in terms of kinship from common ancestors (parents, children, grandchildren), forming in relation to them the same degree of kinship in a direct line, as well as the offspring of spouses by the level of kinship, is considered. It reveals the presence of intergenerational transmission of culture from the older generation to the younger and back, how the youth’s interpretation of the current situation and cultural heritage affects the older generation – parents and forefathers. The article emphasizes that in the course of historical development, significant changes occur in relations between different generations of people. The main results of the theoretical study of the problem of the generational phenomenon in the families of ethnic minorities are the conclusions that in modern society, which is developing at a rapid pace, with completely changed living conditions of people, circumstances and laws – the situation in families is also changing. Meanwhile, in the families of ethnic minorities, their own national traditions and customs are revived, preserved and passed down from generation to generation, the native language is used, national cuisine is used, and national culture is valued.

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