
With the urban development around the Muta Temple Relics Park and the site protection as a focal point, this paper presents an overview of the history and the current status of Muta Temple, a famous temple flourishing during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Through the analysis of the development and construction of the temple’s surrounding areas as well as the protection plan of the temple site in the urbanization process in recent years, the paper touches upon the two successive constructions on the Relics Park. Whether the planning and construction aim at building a relics park or a theme park, the historic context of the temple should always be the focus of the area’s urban planning and development. The paper manifests that in the rapid process of urbanization, architectural heritages on the one hand have gained widespread concern and recognition, while on the other hand, in the process of public transmission and repercussion of the historical and cultural heritages, the architectural heritages have in essence become a phenomenon of symbolic consumption, and the reality of protection is in discrepancy with the spirit upheld by the great site protection charter. This phenomenon actually reflects the choice of people in contemporary times between land development and recognition of heritage values, and also reflects a new trend in people’s great site protection values in the era of rapid urban development: the fragmentation of heritage. In the paper, a conclusion is reached that the architectural heritage is father and father away from us in its form of existence, at the meantime, some of us in recollecting and protecting the relics park have made more people of this age smell the flavor of the heritage fragments. People have increased their awareness and love for the historical sites. From this perspective, fragmented architectural heritage has further melted into people’s perception of life—becoming a faint and distant memory.

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