
In the article is considered Theodor Аdоrnо’scritical attitude to the cultural phenomenon «half-еducation» as the product of mass industrial civilization. This social structure ideologically influenced to individual and collective consciousness of Western man and totally subordinated him to his power. The consequence of this influence was spreading «half-еducation» among Europeans, who have been alienated from self-interest in gaining knowledge. Individual freedom of Western man has been offset by this society of mass production and mass consumption through alienation of intellectual work space of social life. This led to cultural stagnation in the social changes and strengthened the social position of mass industrial civilization power. Adorno suggested as a possible means of solving this cultural crisis to education a subject of critical thinking that can restore social interest in necessary for social and cultural progress of theoretical knowledge. An important factor in the recovery of human interest was identified individual spirit as the incarnation of human intellectual activity.

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