
The current educational environment requires a new skill set and instructional practices for teachers to be effective in the classrooms. With the addition of methodologies such as project-based learning (PBL), the updated pedagogies are aimed to make classrooms more student-centered. Studies have shown that teachers at Secondary schools in Sukkur, Sindh are struggling to adopt PBL as required by the educational policy of the state. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted to analyze the perspectives of private-sector secondary school teachers toward PBL. The perspectives included their perception, motivation, and experiences in the said domain. Keeping aside a traditional view, science and arts teachers were considered participants. Thematic analysis was used to classify the data under the pertinent research questions. The study’s findings will contribute to the small corpus of research on teacher perspectives, especially understanding what instructors believe a PBL work to be and how they see its execution. Understanding these perspectives will aid in making proper adjustments to PBL implementation by the stakeholders.

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