
A number of low-N lines of the X (6)Sigma(+)<--A (6)Sigma(+)(0,0) band of chromium monodeuteride, CrD, have been recorded at near the natural linewidth limit by high resolution laser excitation spectroscopy of a supersonic molecular beam sample. The shifts and splitting of these lines caused by a static electric field have been analyzed to give the permanent electric dipole moments of the X (6)Sigma(+)(upsilon=0) and A (6)Sigma(+)(upsilon=0) states as 3.510(33) and 1.153(3) D, respectively. The dipole moment of the A (6)Sigma(+)(upsilon=0) state can be measured with higher precision because of some interesting near degeneracies in its level structure. The trends in the observed dipole moments for the first-row transition metal monohydrides are rationalized and compared with theoretical predictions.

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