
The perfection of single-crystal polymers is of considerable interest in the understanding of the role of defects in the process of solid-state polymerization. Polybis(p-toluene sulphonate) diacetylene (hereinafter referred to as pTS) has been the subject of numerous investigations (see, for example [1]) since it can be obtained as crystals of macroscopic dimensions. This work describes the initial characterization of the bulk perfection of pTS by white radiation topography using a synchrotron source [2]. A previous topographic study has been reported [3]; however, this was mainly confined to surface studies using a conventional source. It has been the aim of this study to assess the stability of pTS in the high photon fluxes of synchrotron radiation with the view to studying in real time the role lattice defects play in the solid-state polymerization process. It is belived to be the first application of synchroton radiation topography (SRT) to polymer single-crystals. pTS crystallizes in the monoclinic space group

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