
The equation of state of the penetrable sphere model of liquid—vapour equilibrium is calculated by three different sequences of approximations; the first is based on the virial expansion of the equivalent two-component model in powers of the densities, the second on expansion in powers of the activity, and the third on a cumulant expansion of the configurational energy in powers of the reciprocal temperature. These sequences are examined both with the inclusion of all coefficients and with the sub-sets of coefficients appropriate to the first and second Percus-Yevick (PY) approximations. The first PY approximation gives a classical critical point whose density and temperature are accurately determined. The second PY and the complete set of coefficients yield badly-behaved series from which few conclusions can be drawn. The penetrable sphere model is generalized to a wider class of potentials and one of these, in which the configurational energy is expressed in terms of gaussian functions is related to a two-component model of Helfand and Stillinger. It is more tractable than the original model and is examined by the same sequences of approximations. They have shown that the complete series leads to a non-classical critical point in their version of the model; here we show that the first PY approximation is classical but the second nonclassical.

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