
The article discusses the features of the composition of landscape and meteorological vocabulary in the Russian dialects of Udmurtia. The words of this subject recorded in the corpus of Russian dialects of Udmurtia, as well as in the records made by researchers of individual dialects on the territory of the republic, are analyzed. During the lexicographic analysis with the involvement of dialect dictionaries, it was revealed that most of the names of landscape features and natural phenomena in the Russian dialects of Udmurtia are commonly used words, as well as dialect designations known in Vyatka and Perm dialects. This conclusion is natural, since Udmurtia borders with the Kirov region in the north and west and with the Perm Region in the east, is located in the same natural zone with these regions, as well as at the intersection of the areas of the corresponding dialects. In addition, the study revealed a number of words that were not marked in the dialect dictionaries of neighboring regions or in Russian vernacular dialects in general. Such lexemes, fixed in this meaning only in the Russian dialects of Udmurtia, are formed from the all-Russian or dialect bases, but have phonetic, word-formation or semantic differences from the same-root words noted in lexicographic sources.

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