
In Haüy's original definition of eclogite, the presence of kyanite as an accessory constituent was recognized, and it is apparent that he was familiar with examples from the Sau Alps and Styria. The best known of eclogites—those of the Bavarian Fichtelgebirge (e.g. Silberbach, Weissenstein, and Eppenreuth)—contain significant kyanite interspersed among the omphacite grains or associated with accessory quartz and muscovite in the rocks. Of these rocks rather extended descriptions have been published. Analyses of the minerals and the rocks themselves belong to an early date and do not reach the standard of modern analyses. Later, Drill (1902) published a systematic account of these Bavarian eclogites and has added an analysis of an eelogite with kyanite from Unterpferdt near Silberbach and an analysis of a garnet from a Silberbach eclogite.

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