
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the problem of the lawyer formation, the impact of legal education on these processes, the acquirement of legal competences. The author emphasizes that there is an urgent need to improve the system of professional training of future specialists. At this stage, students' education and training is aimed at achieving high professionalism. The main condition to ensure their own competitiveness and life success is to achieve a high level of psychological competence. Professional competence of different types of activities, the effectiveness of which is largely achieved due to the individual-typological properties of the individual is important in the period of overcoming crises. The high quality education is an integral indicator of the standard of living of both society as a whole and a separate personality. The UN Development Program pays attention to the indicator of educational activity, as to one of the main factors of integrated assessment of the human life quality. Democratization of the legal system, change of its functions from protecting the state's interests to ensuring human rights, correction of the principles and methods of law-enforcement activity increases the requirements for graduates of legal educational institutions not only in relation to the theoretical but above all practical component of their professional competences. The psychological and pedagogical competence of future lawyers depends directly on the psychological and pedagogical preparation they receive during their studies at a higher educational institution, on its practical-oriented character. The analysis of the state of such training of future lawyers in different Ukrainian universities proves that, mostly, only one component of such training is done - only basic or only professional one.

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