
The relevance of the outlined problem is determined by the need for an anticipatory development of the educational sphere, in particular, improvement of the process of training specialists in art specialties at institutions of higher education, taking into account peculiarities of postmodern development of society. Taking into account the results of the generalization of theoretical searches, existing innovative processes in art education are singled out and analyzed (updating regulatory support, creating original scientific and methodological support for the formation of professional competence, implementing innovative educational programs, using information and communication technologies, implementing a quality management system for higher education, etc.). On the basis of the generalization of the conducted research work, the theoretical model of improving the professional training of future specialists in art by means of pedagogy of dissensus is substantiated. The model describes the goal, subject, object, process, and expected result. The means of pedagogy of dissensus (integrativeness, communicative behavior, dissensus, argumentative speech, different readings of the content of artistic works, etc.) and the peculiarities of their use in the process of training art specialists are characterized. Prospects for further research consist in detailing the model of improving the professional training of future art specialists by means of pedagogy of dissensus and developing effective means of control in order to organize a pedagogical experiment under the conditions of a real educational process.

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