
Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) was created in Europe. Pre-Columbian America was not important.In America, there were three different areas in the development of this speciality.(1)Northeastern USA. Situation similar to European clinics.(2)Midwest and Southern USA. The American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAOO) was founded in 1903.(3)Latin America. Specialization was much slower. Some ORL specialists emigrated from Europe, but most were young American physicians with ORL post-graduate European education.The ORL Congresses in the USA started to be held in the XIXth century.A first Pan-American Congress with Rhino Laryngological and Otological Sections was held in Washington DC in 1893.In Latin America, there were: I River Plate, 1920; I South American, 1940; II South American, 1944; and, I Latin American, 1949.Under the influence of the Roosevelt Administration, a first Pan-American Congress of ORL and Bronchoesophagology (BE) was organized by the AAOO in 1946, and a healthy Pan American ORL and BE Association was founded and still holds successful Congresses.A Latin American ORL Eponym: Justo Alonso's Partial Laryngectomy, Chicago, 1946. … ORL future: a prophecy.Diseases, slavery, opium, marihuana, western culture and ORL came from Europe. America sent back syphilis, tobacco leaves and the sacred cocaine plant, pharmacological basis of the local anaesthesia and human weakness.

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